About Mark Manson's Book

by - Februari 07, 2018

Hola! Filling this quite-long-holiday by reading one of the bestsellers and the most polular book kn earth(overreacted) which titled ‘The Subtle Art of not Giving a Fuck’. Okay, the word F sounds too interesting till I can’t resist to have it. Beside that, I also bought The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur, It by Stephen King, but... the best so far is The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck by Mark Manson. The cost of the book is quite expensive for a student's pocket, it's around 250,000 rupiahs. Fortunately, it’s not dissapointed at all, I think the cost is worth enough(and for a good news, you can find the translate edition of this book! And it’s more cost saving compare to this one). Here's the appearance of the book:


Honestly, before reading this book I have no idea who Mark Manson is. after looking his name and the information about him in Google, I know that he is a professional writer and he has a terrific website. The materials are really good especially for a college student like me, who still seeking for the purpose of this life. I mean, Mark gives us a different way to think.
The book is about how we face the world by not only think about the positive ones but also the negative ones, because, in the reality, life is not as beautiful as we expect. It contains 9 chapters and the title chapter by chapter are unique I think. He mostly gave the negative sentences as the title and it makes me curious again and again. What does it mean? he put the negative word to make an approach to living a good life? Oh, just read the book.
Mark teaches us to be more realistic, it makes me curious about this book and can't wait any longer to see pages by pages. The most lesson that I get in this book is about how we measure our metric. Metric is a measurement of our goals, for instance, I should get A in mathematics in this semester, it means that my metric is getting A. Everyone has the different metric due to different goals as well, and Mark tells us how metric can affect your life, whether it's good or not, because sometimes, someone makes a higher metric that can't be reached and it makes more pain in life. Mark doesn't want us to be unconfident with this life, but he wants us to appreciate the moment, be more thankful and be more realistic.
This book gives the real experiences of some people, so it makes like it really happen. I think that he made it. He suggests me, or maybe other readers to think "Hey, it's real, it happened to other people aas well!" He has so many sources of their inspiration to write, he takes an example by ordinary people, famous people, about wars, and also about his experiences. This man leads us to face the reality in life, we don't need to give a fuck of everything, not because it has no matter, but because not all of the whole world is your business.
I like the style of his writing, it's not as formal as other books, it's easy for reading, especially for the English beginner who wants to learn English. He doesn't put any difficult vocabularies so it's easier for me to understand the book. He also put the easiest word to make the reader understand what he writes about. Entirely, this orange book is highly recommended, it's good for teenagers going adults phase or seeking a new way to think.

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