by - Januari 10, 2018

I found some quotes for 2018 wishes, there is a word that attracts me “please no temporary people in 2018”. Okay, temporary. It kinds of a word that has meaning as lasting for only a limited period of time, not permanent. I’m sorry to say this but in this ages, you will find so many temporary people. When you are getting older and older, you will know that there are many important things in this life, it likes a definition of ‘buying’, you have to sacrifice something to get another thing. Perhaps there will be some group of friends who promise to stay together forever and ever, but believe or not, something like promising to stay ‘together’ or ‘forever’ are builshit. I said that not because of my experience but it’s just my opinion. Keeping promise to stay together is a big decision unless you work hard and more action in your life. 

In this current day, I find some people ‘leave me’ and also ‘left by me’. You know, I don’t mean at all, if you want to leave, just leave and give the best version of you in the future. If you’re living in a colleges life today, I guess you probably feel that. In the first semester, I found a group of friends, oh lord, I thought that we will stay together, in every situation we always together, oh we should have a seat together, don’t make a friend with another. Holysh*t, fuck off myself in the past, why did I follow their rules? Okay, that wasn’t me. In the end, we are not meant to be together, it’s just a temporary pleasure. The closer you are, the more you know. College life is not about how to get best friends forever, in the deepest mind most of the colleges are about how to compete with friends to get the higher score on a subject. One by one will leave you, and sometimes you also decide to leave them.

When you are getting older, you might feel that I need to leave this one or need to take this one, you will find something that supposes to be yours and not suppose to be yours. You will filter any kind of your situations and take the good ones as you get older. You know, it’s difficult to find the loyal ones today. That’s why many people decide to leave or to be left. If there is a chance to get the loyal ones, save it. and if there’s no one, then be the one.

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