by - Agustus 11, 2017

When I studied Sociology, there is a theory about the human being. It's said that "human can't live alone, they must live together and do the interaction to still alive". God created us with consist of two components which are very important, we call it as mind and heart. These ones are very opposite and sometimes it's contradicting. Quote said that "follow your heart but take your brain together" actually it's quite confused me, what if you have to follow your heart to make things beautiful, but when you follow your heart you forget to take your brain.
You fall in love so deeply with someone, you assume that 'you love him/her' but you never know what the true love is. "You assume that love must be owned while you forget it takes two hearts". you can't see the reality that even if your heart says yes, your brain ain't so. hey, you're not cupid, you can't force someone to love you. Stop doing crazy things for someone you love, you don't even know what love is. Do you know who is the strongest people in this world? I had no idea. However, when I see all the people argue and nobody wants to give up, nobody wants to blame themselves. it's little tiny thing make us like a 'monster'. As we know that the monster must be defeated by something as big as the monster or even bigger than that. And do you know who is the conqueror? it's you. "the strongest ones always confess their mistake, they never blame other people for any reason". I've ever seen an old woman, she lives alone and nobody wants to help her. All people around her said that she is very arrogant, they hate her. Perhaps sometimes it's okay when you don't need to hear what people said about us, but it doesn't mean that it breaks your socialization. Do you want to live alone for the rest of your life? absolutely I am not. "You have to equalize yourself to the people you interact with" how funny the world is when the rich one talking so loud about the luxury things in front of the poor one who knows nothing. Nowadays, people are so scary. Helping people for a little business is not important, whereas they forget that they also need help later. "None of your business sometimes misunderstood, they want to look perky, but I think the best byname for someone who doesn't want to help each other is a chicken!"
mind and heart are very precious, don't let them make us self-seeking. It's egoistical. "Don't look for the fire if you can't extinguish it" -Remind that.

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