by - Juli 19, 2017

Even if I don’t have a certain dream. “I just want to be myself in every conditions, do the things I love”. When you live as yourself, you can pursue your dreams without carrying punctured nail on your body. Even if we are different in many things, people my get the succesful now, but we don’t know what happend on the next day. Don’t be jealous of other people’s life because it will never end! If you just dream and dream and never wake up from your dream, how could it be? I always remember what Pablo Picasso said “everything you can imagine is real”. I mean it as a motivation, all the things that I imagine must be real! I also have a soul healing that I make by myself “calm down in every situations, if you panic, it doesn’t change anything”. People like sharing their life too much when I remember “Everybody no need to know how your life is”. Come on, what do people still care about other people’s life now? However, even if human being has no respcet at all, it doesn’t mean that we are the same as them. “Carrying each other is a must, even if I hate someone, I still care if the one I hate is in starving condition!” During my life, I find many characters of person and sometimes I feel they bother me, but “you can't force someone to be the same as you, and if they are annoying, it doesn’t mean you should hate them”. Even if people compete to get the succesful, more educated in the good education, and then they forget, they are not alone! Beating people is a habit but the only thing that you have to know “If you want to plant the roses, doesn’t mean that you have to destroy the jasmines”. Remind that.

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